Saturday, September 10, 2016

Our Favourite Characters: Best in Show

Choosing A Favourite Character

We have been working on writing our opinions.  We are learning to convince our readers to agree with us.
This week we wrote opinion pieces about the characters in A Booming in the Night.
Here are a few of our pieces:
Tieke, I think you will come first because you are black like the All Blacks and yellow like a Chief.
And you guard the forest.
You are super super super special and I think you are the best bird. 
Kotuku, I think you are the best because you have beautiful long skinny legs.  But most of all I like your shiny white feathers.
Another reason is that I like your long beak.
That is why I like you Kotuku.
Brooke A

Tieke, I think you are the winner 'cos I like your black and orange feathers.  Most of all I like your wattles.  I like their bright red colour and your sharp claws and when you guard the forest you are the best. You are awesome.
Tieke, I think you are the winner because you guard the forest and you have the thing on your chin called a wattle.  That is why you are the winner.

Pencil Sketches of Our Favourite Birds

Here are some more of our pencil sketches too. Can you recognise the different birds from the story?

1 comment:

  1. Tui kids, what beautiful drawings you have created! What clever artists you are! I love the opinions you've shared about your favourite bird and the language you've used to describe them. Awesome work kids! Super proud of you!
    Miss Dawson
